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Prepare yourself to love an artist; She’ll leave eyebrow stains on your shirt when you hug, but she’ll make every lipstick mark on your sleeves memorable. She’ll paint every dust of you in the hues of the city lights. She’ll watch dancing fountains with you in the park. She’ll enter the church with you even after the mass and she’ll paint you happy despite of you breaking her brush.

Prepare yourself to love an artist; she’ll make you watch tiny houses and how they’re built, she’ll let you say things she knows you don’t really mean. She’ll mix the wip on your not so favorite drink, and she’ll play with your hair ’til your eyes slowly blink.

And always, as long as her heart endures, she’ll gently remember that 13th day of the month when brides are marry, and the skies were dark, when you first lit her spark.IMG_20180713_232622_455


Hi! I'm Gia, a General Virtual Assistant from Philippines. This website contains my creative works that can be relevant to my application as a virtual assistant.

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